Tales of my adventurers

Hey y’all! CRonan here. I’m a huge Dungeons and Dragons…enthusiast? Some may say addict? More so on the playing side as opposed to actually knowing anything about the lore or creation or any of that. I play as much as I can with a great bunch of ladies that put up with my need to play and create. So, with that, welcome to my random stories, thoughts, and happenings of my DnD characters. I have many characters to share with the world and I hope you enjoy!

AuRon and the Griffon art by Meagan Ruttan: https://www.artstation.com/meagenruttan

 Home page artists!

Shaana: Mercedes Phillips Art https://www.instagram.com/mercynashay/

Jynx: Anezerynlis https://www.instagram.com/anezerynlis/?hl=en

Artemis Galanodel Rell / Dawn Pelt of the Mudclaws / Mercy: Vincenzo Condipodero https://www.instagram.com/nothing_kitsune/?hl=en

Dusty of the Mudclaws: John Ric Detoon

Heather in the Frost: Meagan Ruttan https://www.artstation.com/meagenruttan